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The iceberg of ignorance

Turn your iceberg into your warehouse of knowledge

Based on a true story.

The owner of the factory attended the improvement evaluation meeting held periodically. Upon seeing the data he remarked: “I never knew there were so many problems with this production line. It seems to me to have been running fine. Since when have there been so many problems?” His department leader very openly said: “Shortly after we got the thing”. The owner replied: “How many guys are working there?”. “Six every shift.”, responded the leader. “Six?”, repeated the owner. “That line is designed to be operated by just two guys! And I can fix those problems you are reporting for just a fraction of the money I now spend on paying for 20 salaries!”.

ProMISe turned his ignorance into knowledge. He was extremely happy to have learned the truth and that ProMISe has been able to save him hundreds of thousands of dollars on future spendings.

Did the owner fire the team leader? No! Nor any of the other 20 guys. The team leader actively supported the implementation and usage of ProMISe to create factory-wide awareness and was well-rewarded for this. For their active contribution in reporting the problems all 20 guys were relocated to departments where hands were needed.
